Main Menu
The starting point of Whim. The default way to open this will be by clicking on an accessory or on channel 1, through the prefix that’s typically the first two letters of the Whim user’s username.
Where owners can add to Whim's owner, trusted and block lists. Whim users can privately purge all access so long as they are not in strict mode.
Preinstall and purchased add-ons can be accessed through this menu which currently includes the titler, monitoring and a wallet all for free preinstalled.
Access to all the animations currently stored inside of the Whim.
Options to allow following of another person or object. It can be simple following or with added particles for anything between something cute and subtle, or something kinky and impossible to miss.
Where all the saved Whim forms are found after being created. The current form set can also be locked from this menu for convenience.
A menu to adjust the position and rotation of the wearer. Working both normally while in an immobile form as to allow the user to be posed perfectly.
Quick and powerful to interact with most other RLV objects throughout SL. It can be set to various levels and still allow escape of less desirable or enjoyable traps, grabs, or other forms of control depending on the users settings.
All forms of RLV can be set for the user. Set RLV base restrictions can be set on a form-by-form basis as well as individually.
The personal customization page of Whim to create forms, change basic settings, or enable strict mode and activate or disable any add-ons.
Chat Commands
This is a list of all chat commands supported by Whim.
whim/menu: Will open the main menu of Whim.
hide: Hides all Whim accessories
show: Shows all Whim accessories
lock/unlock: Will lock or unlock Whim if the speaker has permissions to do such.
block: Displays a list of all people in a sim, to be blocked from having any access to Whim.
public/group: Toggles the public/group setting of Whim's access level.
sit: Opens a menu of all objects, among being selected, will force the wearer to sit on one of these objects if possible.
stand: Forces the wearer to stand from wherever they are currently seated.
follow: Forces subs to follow/get leashed
unfollow: Forces subs to stop following/get unleashed
secure: Opens a list of objects to be selected, securing the wearer to the selected object after.
unsecure: Unsecures the wearer
length: Allows the speaker to ender the desired max follow length into a text box.
cheat: Acts as though the cheat button is pressed, releasing the wearer from any external restrictions if silenced is disabled.
access: Opens the access menu page of Whim.
settings: Opens the settings menu for Whim's wearer.
closet: Opens the closet menu of Whim.
rlv: Opens the RLV menu page of Whim.
relay: Opens the Relay menu page of Whim.
relay off: Disables the relay.
relay ask: Puts the relay in ask mode.
relay auto: Puts the relay in auto mode.
addons: Opens the add-ons menu page of Whim.
anims: Opens the animations menu page of Whim.
yank: Yanks the leashed sub to you
release: Stop the currently playing animation
*: Using * in front of a command will make it apply to every Whim you have access to — including your own.
#: Using # in front of a command will make it apply to every Whim you have access to — EXCEPT your own.
[Animation name]: Will play any animation of that name that Whim contains.