
The most powerful cuff system manager in Second Life. Fast, efficient, and infinitely customizable. (Note: Do NOT use any symbols)

Bind Selection

Selecting a Bind will bind the user in that bind, activate particles, and apply RLV restrictions.


Creating Binds

Binds can be customized to the tiniest detail, let’s check out everything you can edit.


Discards the changes or deletes the bind if it’s an already existing bind.


Saves the new bind or applies the changes to the bind you were editing.


Creates a new bind that is an exact copy of this one.


Sets the name of the bind, the one people will see when entering any bind menu.


Sets the speed the user will be limited to when bound in this bind. It can be set anywhere from 0 (completely immobilized) to 10 (no movement restriction). Anything in between will restrict the user to X% of normal SL walking speed.


Sets the restrictions that will apply when the user is bound in this bind.


Sets the animation that will play when the user is bound in this bind and standing.


Sets the animation that will play when the user is bound in this bind and moving.


Sets the animation that will play when the user is bound in this bind and turning.


This will bring up a text box where you can input the links you want this bind to use for creating particles. The supported cuff types are:

  • RAnkle (right ankle)

  • LAnkle (left ankle)

  • RWrist (right wrist)

  • LWrist (left wrist)

  • RThigh (right thigh)

  • LThigh (left thigh)

  • RArm (right upper arm)

  • LArm (left upper arm)

  • Belt (belt)

    WhimsiCuffs supports up to 4 leash points per cuff. They are:

  • RLink (right link, where you wear your watch, outside of legs)

  • LLink (left link, where you take your pulse, between legs)

  • FLink (forward link, where your thumb is, front of leg)

  • BLink (back link, pinkie finger, back of foot)

It will accept them in this comma-separated, lowercase format:


Example to bind both ankles together: “rankle,llink,lankle,llink”

To learn more about Links and how to set them up, please see this page.

Deleting Links

Opening the Links menu and clicking the Delete button will open a text box where you can input the position of the link you want to delete, starting from 0.


This will set where on the list you want this bind to be, with 0 being first on the list.


This will set what type this bind is. (e.g. arms, legs, or body)