
The fastest, most efficient RLV collar system in all of Second life.

Whim is the best form of control possible throughout SL, be it to simply set a system to automatically walk with your friends or to change your look and be stunning for any event, occasion, or person important to you. With Whim, you’ll have access to a lot more fun in anything you do. The above are just two features of dozens that exist with more always being added for every user. Don’t take our word for it, take a look below at how Whim stacks up against some of the most popular systems in Second Life.


Whim is the fastest RLV system in Second Life. We don’t say that lightly, when we say fast, we mean fast. Take a look below at how Whim stacks up against some of the most popular collar systems in several real-world speed tests. It may seem like Whim’s bar is invisible in some graphs, but it’s there… it’s just that fast.

Update Time

The average time it takes for a new update to be applied. Whim takes on average 2 seconds even in laggy situations, while competing systems take, on average, about 5 minutes, not taking into account lag which can signifcantly worsen their results.

Relay Release Time

How long it takes on average for each system to remove all restrictions when an object sends a !release command to the relay. Whim takes about 0.2 seconds on average to remove 20+ restrictions, while competing systems take significantly longer the more restrictions they have to remove. OC v8 being the worst of the bunch, taking around 10 seconds to remove the same 20 restrictions.

Immersivity TP Time

How long it takes, on average, for a user being worn with Immersivity to TP with their captor and be forcibly captured once more. Competing systems take about double the amount of time Whim takes. When put in Ask mode, Whim's results stay the same since Whim's relay is smart and does not have to ask the user since it determines the action is part of the same scene. Competing systems however, produce significantly worse results in Ask mode because they end up asking the user for authorization to TP, then once more to be captured after TP.


Not only is Whim the fastest, but it’s also the most efficient RLV system in Second Life. Take a look at how Whim stacks up against some of the most popular systems in SL in some efficiency metrics.

Script Count

This chart shows the total amount of scripts each system has running. The less scripts it has, the faster it'll be and the less impact it has on the sim's performance. Whim has about half the amount of scripts as its next closest competitor, Peanut N°9 (basic version). The results only worsen as you look at the rest.

Acessory Script Count

Accessories are the main reason we use collar systems. We want to be able to express ourselves using pretty collars, rings, plugs, etc. With Whim, adding an accessory only requires 1 script. With competing systems, accessories require installing the entire system into each individual accessory, which can take anywhere from 21 to 29 scripts. You simply can't match the amount of customization you can achieve with Whim.

Memory Used

This chart shows how much total script memory each system is using to run all of its scripts. The less it uses, the faster it is and the less impact it has on the sim's performance. Whim uses about half of the memory as its next nearest competitor, Peanut N°9 (basic version). As you move on, the memory usage reaches astronomical numbers.

CPU Time

CPU Time is how much of the sim's processor's time is being consumed by the system. The lower it is, the less impact the system is having on the sim's performance. Whim uses about 1/4th of the CPU Time as the next nearest competitor, Peanut N°9. OpenCollar v8 consuming ridiculous CPU Time at the end of the pack with 0.7 MS.


For a product such as a collar and RLV system, which you use on a daily basis, you want consistent support. Whim is the only system that maintains a consistent, bi-weekly update schedule. You never have to worry about bugs ruining your fun because any issue you encounter is immediately found and fixed within a maximum of two weeks. Take a look at how Whim stacks up against the most popular systems when it comes to customer support.

Average Time Between Updates

This chart shows the average time between updates being released. Whim has a consistent bi-weekly update schedule, while other systems, such as Peanut N°9 can go more than a year without receiving any updates.


After looking at all the raw numbers and real-world tests, we come to one simple conclusion. Whim has more features, is significantly faster, unquestionably more efficient, and receives much more consistent support than any of its competitors.

Whim Official Partners

Silenced has an ever-growing partner program for stores and creators to express themselves and make Whim compatible accessories such as collars, while simultaneously being rewarded for their creativity!

What benefits do partners get?

  • A 10% commission off any Whim sales made from their official partner vendor!

  • Expansion of their customer base to include Whim users!

  • Support the fastest, most efficient RLV system in Second Life!

How do I apply to be a partner?

You simply go to this link https://forms.gle/FmZexoE22nU3YwRD6 and apply!


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