Whim v1.603, WhimsiCuffs v1.05, WhimsiSpeech v1.02, Focus v1.14, & New Discord Channels
Happy holidays everyone, I’ve been hard at work to get a lot of updates out before Christmas. I’m happy to announce I have four massive updates going out today. A ton of bugs have been fixed, a couple new features have been added, and general improvements have been made. As usual, I will post the changelogs below.
P.S. It is recommended, but not required, to do a fresh installation if you experienced any bad bugs in 1.60-1.602
P.P.S. Do NOT, under ANY circumstances, use symbols in Forms, Binds, Modes, or Pins. This breaks compatibility with LSD and causes a multitude of issues. If you used symbols in any of the above in your current Whim, do NOT update to 1.603 as it will break things.
Discord Channels
I’ve updated most of the channels in the Discord server to use the new Forum format, in order to keep things more organized.
Whim v1.603
Bug Fixes
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where the HUD was skewed
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where it would prompt you to update despite no update being available
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where the access menu would cause you to lose access
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where page 2 of settings would cause you to lose access
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where the follow target selection page would cause you to lose access
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where the secure target selection page would cause you to lose access
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where the Focus menu would cause you to lose access
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where the wrong form would get applied on rare occasions
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where you couldn't create Pins if you used Closet prior
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where the access list would get erased sometimes
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where Focus would open the access menu instead
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where disabling Self-Own would lock the wearer out
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where you'd lose access when enabling Focus
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where you'd get the main menu when enabling follow
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where Force Sit would give you two menus
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where Force Sit would not work properly
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where updating would not transfer owners
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where Pins previous button wouldn't take you to the addons menu
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where the Relay would lock Whim when cheating out even if it shouldn't be
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where a key wasn't clearing properly
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where updating would run into a loop
New Stuff & Changes
♥Feature♥ Being captured by Immersivity now auto-hides all accessories
♥Feature♥ Being released by Immersivity now auto-shows all accessories if they weren't manually hidden
•Change• Accessory script no longer shows version in the name
WhimsiCuffs v1.05
Bug Fixes
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where deleting a new mode would delete the last one
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where if you delete a mode and the page is empty, it won't go to the previous page
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where updating would sometimes get stuck
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where you'd get access denied through an accessory
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where duplicate would replace the existing mode
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where renaming an existing bind just creates a new mode
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where the binds installer would not import all binds if you had a lot
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where binds wouldn't release restrictions
New Stuff & Changes
♥Feature♥ WhimsiCuffs has been fully transitioned to LSD. Many, many efficiency and performance improvements
♥Feature♥ There is now a button in Settings to hide/show accessories
♥Feature♥ There is now a chat command "cuffhide" and "cuffshow" to hide/show accessories
♥Feature♥ There is no longer a limit as to how many binds you can create
♥Feature♥ Added new Stealth option in accessory settings
♥Feature♥ Restrictions from binds are now released without clearing all RLV
•Change• Cleaned up some unnecessary code
•Change• Binds installer now has an "Importing..." message when it begins the import
•Change• Added full compatibility with Whim v1.60+
•Change• Updating Whims with WC installed is now 25% faster due to LSD transition
•Change• Opening the main menu is now up to 75% faster
•Change• Engine's memory usage has been reduced by ~25%, with savings increasing exponentially with each new bind
•Change• Accessory script no longer shows version in the name
WhimsiSpeech v1.02
Bug Fixes
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where editing a mode would just create a duplicate
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where restrictions would apply even without a mode enabled
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where you'd lose your access if you accessed the menu through an accessory
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where Exempt words would not be exempt properly
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where Exempt words wouldn't be exempt when deafened
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where the "speech" chat command wouldn't work
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where the Trusted setting wouldn't enable Trusted access properly
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where modes would have an underscore added at the end
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where word replacement would sometimes turn into word insertion
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where you'd go deaf when applying a mode
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where you'd get muted when applying a mode
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where the Trusted setting wouldn't apply with a mode enabled
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where the Override setting wouldn't apply with a mode enabled
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where the Public setting wouldn't apply with a mode enabled
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where the Emote setting wouldn't apply with a mode enabled
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where the Intensity setting wouldn't apply with a mode enabled
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where the Intensity H setting wouldn't apply with a mode enabled
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where renaming an existing mode would just create a new mode
⚠ Minor ⚠ Fixed an issue where duplicating would just replace the existing mode
New Stuff & Changes
♥Feature♥ There is now a third option for Emote — both the emote and the text between quotes will be affected by rules
♥Feature♥ There is now a Mode Installer so you can export Modes for safekeeping and give them to others
♥Feature♥ There is now a button in Settings to hide/show accessories
♥Feature♥ There is now a chat command "speechhide" and "speechshow" to hide/show accessories
♥Feature♥ Added new Stealth option in accessory settings
•Change• Cleaned up the restrictions and removed unnecessary ones
•Change• Added new warning to not include symbols in modes
•Change• Accessory script no longer shows version in the name